Category: | Construction, Painters & decorators | |
Region: | Nicosia | |
Country: | Cyprus | |
About Me: | Am into house painting , giving quality assurance to the finest of art. Any type of painting you wish to do is right before you. Quality services is been rendered at affordable prices | |
How much do you charge: | 70 per hour | |
Choose your banner colour: | #c3102d | |
Telephone: | (357) 94-083967 | |
Category: | Painters & decorators |
Are you self-employed or a freelancer?: | Self-employed | |
Category: | Housekeeping, Cleaners | |
Region: | Ammochostos | |
Country: | Cyprus | |
About Me: |
Obreja Roxana Cleaning and maintaining a private residence or commercial building to make sure that it meets any housekeeping sanitation requirements (for commercial buildings, such as healthcare facilities and offices, restaurants,house or apartments for holidays renting) and provides a comfortable space for residents or employees. |
How much do you charge: | 6 per hour | |
Choose your banner colour: | #293f49 | |
Telephone: | (357) 96-301173 | |
Category: | Cleaners |
Are you self-employed or a freelancer?: | Self-employed | |
Category: | Housekeeping, Cleaners | |
Region: | Ammochostos | |
Country: | Cyprus | |
About Me: |
Ομαδικότητα στην εργασία και ευχέρεια στην επικοινωνία θετικός χαρακτήρας με θέληση για προσφορά Δυνατότητα προσαρμογής σε ένα δυναμικό και απαιτητικό περιβάλλον εργασίας |
How much do you charge: | 5 per hour | |
Choose your banner colour: | #532f64 | |
Telephone: | (357) 96-489773 | |
Category: | Cleaners |
Are you self-employed or a freelancer?: | Self-employed | |
Category: | Housekeeping, Tailors & sewing | |
Region: | Nicosia | |
City: | Strovolos | |
Country: | Cyprus | |
About Me: | Επιδιορθωσεις ολων των ειδων ρουχων και ρουχισμου, με πολυετη εμπειρια και αξιοπιστια | |
How much do you charge: | 10 per hour | |
Choose your banner colour: | #532f64 | |
Telephone: | (357) 99-581813 | |
Category: | Tailors & sewing |
Are you self-employed or a freelancer?: | Self-employed | |
Category: | Housekeeping, Gardeners | |
Region: | Nicosia | |
City: | Anthoupoli | |
Country: | Cyprus | |
About Me: | Εκτελουνται παντος ειδους κηπουρικες εργασιες και τοποθετουνται συστηματα αρδευσης, επαγγελματίας στην δημιουργία και τη φροντίδα της βλάστησης κήπων, πάρκων, περιβολιών. Καλλιεργεια, μεταφυτεύσει, σκαλίσμα, κλαδεύμα, και γενικα όλα τα απαραίτητα για τη φροντίδα ενός κήπου. | |
Choose your banner colour: | #293f49 | |
Telephone: | (357) 99-596311 | |
Category: | Gardeners |
Are you self-employed or a freelancer?: | Self-employed | |
Category: | Housekeeping, Cleaners | |
Region: | Nicosia | |
City: | Nicosia | |
Country: | Cyprus | |
About Me: | Εταιρία καθαρισμού πολυκατοικιών,κοινόχρηστων χώρων,νεόκτιστων οικιών και διαμερισμάτων,καταστημάτων,γραφείων και γενικο καθαρισμα. | |
Choose your banner colour: | #c3102d | |
Telephone: | (357) 99-062778 | |
Category: | Cleaners |
Category: | Housekeeping, Cleaners | |
Region: | Nicosia | |
City: | Agios Georgios | |
Country: | Cyprus | |
About Me: |
My name is foday Jadama country originally from Gambia I graduated from high school and I started university for one year and I’m really interested in cleaning job because I have experience in it before and am willing to do it and am hard working man I hope you guys can consider my application |
How much do you charge: | 5 per hour | |
Choose your banner colour: | #293f49 | |
Telephone: | (357) 95-776198 | |
Category: | Cleaners |
Category: | Housekeeping, Cleaners | |
Region: | Nicosia | |
City: | Nicosia | |
Country: | Cyprus | |
About Me: |
Am very passionate about my work and always serious till the end. Cleaning is what I do best. Try my work and you will love it because those I have worked for always recommend me to different people. Some people always consider cleaner to be a female but it's not always true some time men can do its even better than than ok |
How much do you charge: | 4 per hour | |
Choose your banner colour: | #ab2569 | |
Category: | Cleaners |
Category: | Housekeeping, Gardeners | |
Region: | Ammochostos | |
Country: | Cyprus | |
About Me: |
Μπορουμε να σας βοηθησουμε με εργασιες που αφορουν τον κηπο σας και εχουν σχεση με: • Δηγμιουργια/Συντηρηση Αρδευτικου συστήματος • Έλεγχος υγείας των φυτων/Ψεκασμοι οπου χρειαζεται • Κλάδεμα περιποίηση σχηματισμός φυτων • Περιορισμος χορτων • Απομακρυνση Φυλλων/Κλαδεμμάτων • Εδαφοκάλυψη με υλικα • Σχεδιασμός/Τοποθέτηση νέων φυτών • Περιποιηση/Δημιουργια χλοοτάπητα Εξυπηρετηση σε τακτικη βαση σε περιοχες Λευκωσιας και Αμμοχωστου |
Choose your banner colour: | #255958 | |
Telephone: | (357) 99-196244 | |
Category: | Gardeners |
Category: | Housekeeping, Cleaners | |
Region: | Pafos | |
City: | Paphos | |
Country: | Cyprus | |
About Me: |
Cleaning Services Paphos Professionally covers all your cleaning needs at Low cost providing all of our high quality cleaning services across Paphos. Residential cleaning, commercial cleaning, house cleaning, office cleaning, building cleaning, communal area cleaning, windows cleaning, sofa cleaning, upholstery cleaning, carpet cleaning, mattress cleaning and any other residential or commercial cleaning need you may have. With so many years of cleaning experience, you can trust our high quality of service with all of your cleaning needs. Whether you have a studio or a villa, a house, an office, a building, or a complex… Call us now! for a free low-cost quote without any obligation |
Choose your banner colour: | #293f49 | |
Telephone: | (357) 97-895130 | |
Category: | Cleaners |